Posts tagged spirituality
Who is Mature

"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid. There's a million toys at Toys R Us that I can play with..." I LOVED going to Toys R Us as a kid, but I would often demand everything in the store...#onlychildsyndrome. How do I balance the needs of my inner, artist child with my adult self as I explore my creativity? Who really flips their lid.

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Who is Confident

Public speaking. It may be the most anxiety-producing task I've tackled in my professional journey, yet, it also elevated my confidence as I found my voice among the crowd. How are we encouraging (or deterring) growth in the scramble for the top of the workplace food chain? Who tries to get ahead of the game?

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Who is Gender Non-Conforming

Masc4Who (?)...Throughout my journey, I continue to run into the same nagging question...are you masc? Whether responding through Grindr, through MATTHEW's "Str8-bro" appearance, or through CHICO's cruelty, I've desperately clung to my answer---"YES, I'm masculine!"---to feel "normal" and powerful. Who pays the ultimate price for masculinity, though? 

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Who is Listening

As I was physically developing, my ears outgrew my head. Yes, I heard my fair share of Dumbo jokes, yet I still struggled to really listen despite my ear size. I suppose bigger doesn't make for better, so how do we perfect the art of listening? Do you hear what Who hears?

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Who is Hopeful

Why did the chicken cross the road? It would seem out of his/her character to make such a bold move, unless of course it was a means to escape. What was the chicken hoping to reach or to achieve by crossing? Who is bwoking to find out.

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Who is Preparing for Take Off

We have clearance, Clarence, but I'm just not sure of our vector, Victor. The runway is clear but CHICO refuses to divulge where we are headed. Surely, there is someone/something better to serve as my co-pilot as I prepare to take flight, but will anyone else know the way quite like CHICO? Don't stop in the Red Zone, click here!

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Who is Not (So) Afraid

I ain't afraid of no ghosts. Actually, I am a bit afraid of ghosts, but I'll leave that work to the professionals (aka Ghostbusters) while I wrestle with my ego in the dark. What will CHICO look like if/when I open my eyes, though? If you're seein' things runnin' thru your head, click here. 

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