It speaks to my privilege to look at this aisle and not be panicked; I have enough toilet paper. But if demand continues to outweigh supply, I might need to get creative as my inventory dwindles. Maybe If I had approached all toilet paper buying opportunities through the “enough is never enough” lens before, this problem would have been wiped out.
Read MoreA picture is worth a thousand words, but can we ever trade them in to experience a full day of true happiness? What about an hour? A moment? I’m not sure on the extrinsic value of happiness nor the exchange rate; what I do know is that I would trade in all my words, pictures, and whatever else for sustained happiness. Is that enough, though?
Read MoreWhat a power trip writing about power is, except when you're not sure anyone will read it. Then it becomes a game of decisions: how much of my heart do I share versus how much do I boast about my perceived power? In the end, will anyone be left to say you've mastered prosperous living? All that and more in this long-awaited What's in a Name segment!
Read More"You'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your neck," and what a loss that would be! Compared to the keys, cell phones, wallets, sunglasses (and dignity) I've lost throughout the years, losing my head would be disastrous since it connects me to my senses. What would happen if I lost my heart though, and if I did, how hard would it be to find?
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