Posts tagged chicago
What is Long-Range Vision?

Squinting to make numbers function correctly does not a mathematician make; ask my high school math teacher who helped me see I needed long-range vision support. But these small gains in arithmetic didn’t grant me any clarity on what’s next. Where’s hindsight when you need it?

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What is Absolute Certainty?

Are you sure about this? You seem to be divulging an awful lot about yourself lately…It’s interesting how even the slightest doubt disrupts any semblance of certainty I’ve established. It’s taken me over a month to write about my experiences with Absolute Certainty; still, I’m not sure if I’ve arrived at that point.

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What is Self-Esteem?

When we take matters into our own hands, we must prepare to be confronted by our deeply-rooted fears. The payoff? A boost after having effectively resolved whatever issue. What happens when we take fear itself into our own hands, though? Is the payoff worth it?

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