“We acquire a sense of movement, a current of change in our lives. This current, or river, is a flow of grace moving us to our right livelihood, companions, destiny.”
ingrain in the membrane / Hatchway to Heaven, Hell & Headaches
"Earworms" (a.k.a., songs that get stuck in a person's head) are caused by a phenomenon called "involuntary musical imagery." According to psychologists, the frequency of earworms "depended upon the thickness of several brain regions," but does that mean it's better to be thickheaded? Or does thick-headedness welcome more "earworm" invasions? Who inches toward an answer.
Failure to L(a)unch / Let('s) go (fly)
"You just have to go with the flow," replied Mark, the hot air balloon operator/tour guide, after I asked him for any words of wisdom as a result of his 30+ years of experience piloting these majestic aircraft. It's so much easier when you're hovering above the mountain peaks...or maybe that's the key for total liftoff. Who is full of hot air.
“‘I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.’”
A View from (Circle one: the top, the bottom, within, without, none of the above)
What is it about a kaleidoscope that inspires creativity? Every view opens the door to new possibilities, ordinary objects take on exotic shapes, and colors converge in harmony...beauty spirals in all directions as light illuminates the imagination. This expansive, mystical experience is really no miracle at all, though; rather, it's a matter of perspective thanks to mirror assembly and positioning. Is a kaleidoscopic view possible at all times, then, if we tinker a bit? Who takes a look.